Friday, April 23, 2010


Fly high as you dreams,
Think big as you dreams,
Work hard as you dreams,
May your dreams come true.

p/s: Don't just dreams. Do as you dreams and work hard as you dreams. Push yourself to the limits. May your dreams turns into a reality.


isabella swan said...

i admired ur blog.i like see ur hopefully u can always updated ur blog..

ayie_azri said...

thank you. may i know who are u?

isabella swan said...

..uitm student too but not same course with you.just know me as a isabella swan hehe.i always see you at menara saas coz my faculty near with ur faculty

ayie_azri said...

course ape? ade facebook?

isabella swan said...

i always accompany my fren at cafe coz her boyfriend same course with you..ok.just know me as a ISABELLA SWAN.i like to be frend wit u honestly